
Wall Murals On Roosevelt Row – Downtown Phoenix

By Artur Ciesielski | Photography

I’ve been going through my old Lightroom catalogs, while sipping dark beer, to see what’s there. When I find interesting photos I will share them even though I’m not big on nostalgia. In fact, I have an adversity to nostalgia, but that’s not what this is about. This is simple about finding and posting interesting photos.

The following photos are ones I took maybe 2-3 years ago along Roosevelt Street in Downtown Phoenix, the place known as Roosevelt Row and for the Art Walk, but also for the many small locally owned businesses the line the small streets housed in historic homes.

I’m very fond of street art, especially huge murals covering entire walls like in Lodz.

These in Phoenix are the largest I’ve seen.

roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona

roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona roosevelt row murals in phoenix arizona

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